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Warm Coat For Kids

Event Date:Oct. 15, 2022 - Jan. 18, 2023
Event Time:Wednesdays from 10AM to 3PM & Saturdays from 10AM to 2PM
Event Location:Stanwood United Methodist Church in the Yellow Room
Event Description:This event runs all fall and winter long, annually (starting October 15th 2022)
Wednesdays from 10AM to 3PM & Saturdays from 10AM to 2PM at the Stanwood United Methodist Church. (MUST CHECK IN AT SCFB)
If your child needs a coat to keep warm this winter, then we can help. Any child in need is eligible to receive a new coat. Your child must be age 0-18 years of age and be residing in the Stanwood / Camano area. We will have coats available outside of the Stanwood Camano Food Bank. Sizes will range from Newborn to 6XL.